About Gaspa
Our boat has been in service for more than three years and we take care of carrying out all the necessary maintenance so that the trips are very pleasant.
Perfect for groups of up to 12 people, including 12 passengers + Geison, this 30-foot vessel by Schaefer is the best-selling model in Brazil and a sales champion at the shipyard.
She has two (2) diesel engines for greater passenger safety. Everything you need for both comfort and safety.
Capable of performing all routes in Florianópolis, but we do the most famous routes in the North of the island; we recommend that you live this experience with us.

Size 29 feet
Up to 12 passengers
Bathroom with shower (1)
Cabin with bed (1)

Charcoal grill

Fire extinguishers (3) current

Crockery for 12 passengers

Aft shower

Big glacier

Comfortable table

Life jackets (adults and children)

First aid kit

Bow solarium

Cooler (2)

Salvage kit

Sound with bluetooth and usb
Service above all
Our service is focused on passengers so that they can experience a unique day on the most beautiful route in the North of the island of Florianópolis, on the most equipped boat on the market, Gaspa.
To have fun with the family

Stand up board
» Imported board 11 feet
» Up to 3 people

Complete dive kit
» Snorkel + Mask + Fin
» For 6 adults and 2 children

Floating mat
» Supports up to 250 kg
» Up to 4 people

Floating chair
» Supports up to 130 kg each
» Equipped with 6 units

» Remote control boat
» For the entire family

Floating spaghetti
» Buoyancy 70 Kg each
» Equipped with 6 units
Our route
We have a 7-hour and 4-hour itinerary. The difference between them is the length of stay in different places. Our boarding takes place at Marina Da Croa in Jurerê.
The natural beauty, the different and exclusive day are experienced in both itineraries.
Included in the trip
» Fully equipped boat
» Salvage kit
» First aid kit
» Life jackets (adults and children)
» Sailor
» Fuel
» Coal
» Ice to drink
» Barbecue on the speedboat (optional)
» Complete diving kit: Snorkel + Mask + Fin. For 6 adults and 2 children
» Stand up board: Imported 11 feet
» Floating mat: Supports up to 250kg and up to 4 people
» "Gaspinha": Remote control boat with 40 minutes of autonomy (for children)
» Floating chair: Supports up to 130 kg each 6 units
» Floating Spaghetti: Buoyancy 70 Kg each 6 units
Optional extras
» Drinks on board
» Ice to cool
» Meat and food
Forbidden on the boat
» Glass and sharp objects
» Hookah
» Excessive baggage
» Pets
Exclusive sailor
Geison, is Gaspa exclusive sailor. This provides a unique service experience. He knows the boat and our way of offering the service.
He has first aid courses for any emergency.
He is our pride for the quality of person he is; will give your family the attention it deserves. He also makes delicious barbecues.

How do I register to sell or rent a property?Click here to fill in your property information.If you prefer, contact us: WhatsApp: (48) 9617-8500 Email: contato@vivefloripa.com.br
How much does it cost to advertise my property for sale on Vive Floripa?Advertising your property for sale in Vive Floripa is totally free. The only charge on the sale is the commission from 6% about the sale price. For the purchase of a property, no fee is charged directly by Vive Floripa.
How much does it cost to advertise my rental property on Vive Floripa?Advertising your property for rent in Vive Floripa is totally free. For annual rental, a commission will be charged corresponding to the value of one (1) full rental and is intended to remunerate the services provided by Vive Floripa and by the associated broker and/or consultant (from visits, to the elaboration of the contract and entrance inspection) so that the lease of your property was carried out with all comfort, safety and practicality. This commission is charged once at the beginning of the lease. The administration fee is a percentage of the rent charged every month. For seasonal rentals, the value will be negotiated depending on the property, the area and the owner's interest.
What documents are needed to buy a property?The documents required are: In the purchase process, the documents required are: I. Identity document containing the CPF;II. Civil Status Certificate (for single people, it will be the Birth Certificate, if married after 1977, the Marriage Certificate and the Public Deed of Antenuptial Agreement);III. Current Address Proof; If you use the FGTS for purchase, you will still need: I. Certified copies of the pages of the Work Card in which the identification of the worker and the hiring of the employee are included;II. FGTS account statement for the last two years;III. Proof of residence from 1 year ago;IV. Authorization to move a linked account with the FGTS and declaration of authorization allowing the use of the Fund. If the financing is through the Housing Finance System (SFH), you must present the declaration that it is the first purchase of residential property.
What documents are required to sell a property?To sell a property we will need the following personal documents: I. Identity document containing the CPF; II. Civil Status Certificate (for single people, it will be the Birth Certificate, if married after 1977, the Marriage Certificate and the Public Deed of Antenuptial Agreement);III. Updated Proof of Address, less than 30 days old; IV. Registration Number and Registry Number of the property. These documents are important as they prove the seller's marital status and the regularity of the property.However, the Financial Institution (in the case of a financed purchase) or the Notary's Office in your region (in the case of a cash purchase and sale) may request other documents during the process. Regarding the property, you will also need: I. Declaration of discharge of condominium debts, signed by the trustee, in case the property is an apartment;II. Minutes of election of the trustee; III. IPTU cover with taxpayer code, if not on the registration. If the seller owns a company in his name or even has participation as a partner, it will also be necessary to present: I. CNPJ Card; II. Copy of the Bylaws or Articles of Association; III. Papers with contractual or statutory changes; IV. Letter with the date of the last modification of the statute or the business contract.
Will I finance what I have to do?The first step in a financed purchase is to seek credit approval from the bank of your choice. You must add the down payment and down payment to the bank credit, which can be deducted with your FGTS funds. In addition to the property values, it is important to highlight the steps of financing: Documentation: all banks ask for some documents to proceed with the contracting of real estate financing, both for the buyer and the seller, and also for the property. These documents will be used in the legal analysis carried out by the financial institution and, later, to transfer ownership of the property to the new buyer. Evaluation of the property: the bank evaluates the conditions of the property to check if it can be financed. This assessment is carried out by specialized engineering companies, with an expert report. Request for a balance from the Intervening Settler: when the property is already financed, it is possible to transfer the financing to another institution. In this case, the current bank requests the debit balance from the previous bank. Amounts Confirmation: The specialist responsible for the process will carry out a verification of values and financing data together with you, based on the draft issued by the bank, thus preventing the contract from being formalized with incorrect information. Signing and registration of the contract: after analyzing the documentation, the bank issues a financing contract to be signed by the buyer and the seller. In this step, the ITBI payment slip is issued. ITBI is the Real Estate Transfer Tax charged by the City Hall of the city where the property is located and must be paid by the Buyer within the deadline informed by the City Hall. Late payment generates fines and charges. After the signatures, it is necessary to take this contract to the Real Estate Registry Office responsible for the region of the property. We intermediate the logistics for signing the contracts and sending them to the Notary. Important: the buyer can contract two financings at the same time, as long as their financial capacity is proven. But, in this situation, it is not possible to use the FGTS when acquiring the second property. If you are already interested in a property here, we have specialists and partners who will help you in all stages of the process, from credit approval to registration at the notary.
Which property documents are initially verified?We only check the registration of the property. With this verification, it is possible to obtain information such as the location of the property, footage, current owners, transmissions, origin of the purchase and sale through a private instrument or public deed, improvements, observations, annotations and other information that may be contained in the document .
What is a property registration?The registration of the property is a type of legal identification, different from the deed of purchase and sale, which is a document of transfer of ownership of the property. It's like the birth certificate of the property, which describes location, size, etc., and records all transactions and occurrences involving that particular property. One of its purposes is to certify ownership of that property. It is the document that proves that a person owns the property specified therein. In the buying and selling process, the registration is a very important document to formalize the transfer of ownership between seller and buyer. It is important to note that most properties must have this document, which is filed with the competent Property Registry, which is determined by the location of the property. It is this registry office that will be responsible for the records and annotations contained in the enrollment. This document must be updated for the sale process to occur normally. Attention: there are some older properties that do not have a registration but a transcript. The transcript is valid, however, the need to open the registration may arise. When a person buys a property, it is necessary to have a registry at the registry office, with an updated registration.
Can I sell my property while renting?Yes, you can! In this case, your property may be rented with a real estate agency. According to the Tenancy Act, the tenant has a preemptive right to purchase. If he is not interested or does not respond, you can proceed with the sale to a third party. From the moment of notification, visits can take place, as long as they have been previously arranged with the current tenant.
Can I put my property for sale and for rent at the same time?Yes, you can. In this case, the property will receive visits and offers for rent and sale. If you rent your property, the sale announcement will remain active, but it will be important to inform the tenant about the preemptive right to purchase, according to the Tenancy Law.
I haven't finished paying my property yet. can i sell?Yes! If the person who is going to buy the property decides to finance it, the amount you owe will be paid and you will receive only the remaining. But if the interested person decides to buy in cash, you will need to pay off your financing and ask your bank for the Discharge Term of the contract. After that, the property can already be transferred to the name of the person who made the purchase.
I want to pay cash. How it works?The spot process is simpler and faster, as it does not involve financial institutions.After the negotiation and signing of the Purchase and Sale Commitment, we will help you to gather all the necessary documentation to prove the situation of the property and the seller. With all the documentation approved, the process will be sent to a Notary's Office for the preparation of the Public Deed of Purchase and Sale. This document, signed by the buyer and seller, will be the formalization of the real estate transaction. After that, the Deed will be taken for registration at the Real Estate Registry, where the property registration will be updated with the transaction data and the new seller.
Can I negotiate directly with the owner?No. Vive Floripa will be the mediator of the transaction and will accompany the entire process until the transfer of ownership of the property.
How does the purchase evaluation work?The purchase evaluation is based on the documents shared by the seller and the information contained in the certificates and in the consultations carried out, which will indicate the security or possible risks of the business and will be classified into three different risk levels, namely: low risk, moderate risk and high risk. For the adequacy of each risk, the following criteria were used: Low Risk: considering the documentary scope analyzed, these are situations in which (i) no pending issues or irregularities to be remedied were identified (report without notes) or (ii) notes were identified that do not represent, together, voluminous debts , which can be remedied before the conclusion of the deal and, in this way, do not appear to impede its follow-up. Moderate risk: considering the documentary scope analyzed, these are the notes (which may or may not be objective) in which pending issues or irregularities were identified that there is, in principle, no probability that the owner and his company will become insolvent because of the limited value involved in the notes in question. High risk: considering the documentary scope analyzed, there are objective notes in which pending issues or irregularities were identified that are equivalent to a considerable fraction of the value of the property and there is a greater probability of threat to the full exercise of possession or property by the owner. High risk with impossibility of overcoming or mitigating: refers to the appointment or set of notes involving the property, the owner or his company, which represent a considerable fraction of the value of the property and there are, at this moment, strong indications of that the full exercise of possession or ownership of the property will be contested. In other words, pending issues or irregularities are found that indicate that the property is about to be affected or there are irregularities that cannot be resolved by the seller in a reasonable time for the completion of the purchase and sale process.
Is it necessary to register a property in the Income Tax?Some details of the property must be informed in the 2021 Income Tax (IR) declaration, including the registration of the acquisition in Property Registration. For more information, it is important that you contact an accountant responsible for your IR.
What are registry fees?Notary fees, also called fees, are fees charged for the cost of services provided by notaries. The Legislative Assembly of each State defines the values of the fees, which are calculated on the value of the transaction. It is worth remembering that the values are readjusted annually. The Notary will issue the costs and send the payment details (slip or bank details, depending on the notary). To update the registration with the registration of the purchase and sale, the land registry offices charge the approximate amount of 2% of the transaction value. Remembering that this value varies by state. Those who are making their first purchase through the Housing Finance System (SFH) are entitled to a discount of up to 50% on the value of the costs, if they present the signed declaration of first purchase.
What are Vive Floripa "Exclusive" properties?These are properties that will not be republished on other sites, they will only be available on Vive Floripa (Exclusive). If your property has been categorized as "Exclusive" by our team and you don't want to keep the seal, just contact us.
How to know from the advertisement on Vive Floripa, if the property is furnished or not?At Vive Floripa, the owner can choose to rent the property with or without furniture. Always pay attention to the icon in the ad and also to the descriptive text, because even though the photos show some furniture, not all of them will always be part of the lease. The property has furniture, but I would like to remove some of it. What to do? After reviewing the ad and making the visit, it's time to make the proposal. If you want to request the removal of an item from the property, make a proposal and indicate exactly what you would like to have removed. The owner will receive your request and, if agreed, will accept your proposal. After your documentation is approved, we will align the proposal information. Items to be withdrawn will be listed in the contract in an attached term.
What document do I need to bring for my visit to a Vive Floripa property?To carry out visits, you need to bring an original document with a photo that has your CPF registered. If you do not have any original photo document with CPF registered, take the two separate documents (photo document and CPF). For foreigners, bring your passport. You will need this document to identify yourself at the concierge and for our partner brokers. If you bring a companion for the visit, it is ideal that they also have the original document with photo, as there is a concierge, you may be asked to access the property.
How do I book a property at Vive Floripa?Reservation, which guarantees exclusivity in the property leasing process, is possible after the owner approves your proposal and you have a positive credit rating. After this positive result, you can contact Vive Floripa and rbook the desired property. In some properties, the reservation is disabled at the owner's option. What do I need to have to book a property? To make a reservation, you need to have: An approved proposal on a property with available reservation. A valid credit card held by one of the tenants informed in the review. A positive credit rating. Do not have an active reservation for another property. The property must be available for booking.
I saw a Vive Floripa property in another classifieds, what should I do?When clicking on an ad on another channel (classified site, for example) the link should take you to our website page. If this is not possible, please contact us to see what may have happened.
I had a bad experience with Vive Floripa's partner broker, can I exchange it?Firstly, we want to apologize for this. It is very important to us that your experience is pleasant from the beginning to the end of your process of finding and renting your new home. That's why it's important to get in touch with us through our WhatsApp or Email and tell us what happened. We will take the necessary measures to ensure that this does not happen again. Count on us.
Can I negotiate with the owner Vive Floripa over the phone?We do not share contact information between clients, unless everyone involved is present during the visit and eventually exchanges contacts of their own volition. However, so that everything is very well aligned and recorded during your negotiation, the best way is to carry out all the negotiation through our website with us, thus ensuring that everything is included in your rental contract.
I don't have the income indicated by Vive Floripa, what can I do?Don't worry, we will always provide the option to include more tenants to make up the rent. It is possible to include the income of up to 4 different people, who will be equally responsible for the lease, but do not necessarily have to be residents of the property.
What happens to my guaranteed surety bond upon termination of the contract?In case of rescission of the contract before 12 months, the amount proportional to the remaining period that has already been paid will be refunded, observing the rules of the surety contract. If it occurs after 12 months, no new installments will be charged and there will be no amount to be refunded. The Guaranteed Bond is a service paid monthly to enable tenants to rent and, unlike the Security Deposit, any amount relating to the bond fee is not returned to the tenant at the end of the lease. What happens to the guaranteed surety bond if there are debts or repairs at the end of my contract? Payment of the Guaranteed Bond does not exempt the tenant from paying repairs or debts over the lease term. The amounts paid to the Guaranteed Guarantee throughout the contract will not be used for the payment of outstanding accounts. Guaranteed Surety Bond is a service contracted to make it possible to rent the property to the tenant and ensure greater security for the owner. If you have open accounts, you will be charged to make the payment or repairs that are necessary, as provided for in the contract.
Is my credit rating valid?Yes. After consulting the CPFs included in the process, the credit assessment is valid for 30 days. During this period, you can continue to search for properties that fit your budget without any problem. If your review expires, you can just as easily re-review it.
Can I publish my properties if I am not a real estate agent?Yes, in Vive Floripa, real estate agencies can advertise their properties, as well as direct owners. You can register your property here.
How can I improve the attractiveness of my ad?Good photos! Quantity doesn't matter, quality matters. At Vive Floripa you can add up to 15 photos of the property (no more needed). Ads with good photos (they don't have to be professional) are proven to market 60% faster. To make the ad more attractive: 1. Good photos. 2. Good price. 3. As detailed as possible.
How do I advertise multiple properties on Vive Floripa?You can advertise all your properties directly on our website by clicking here. If you prefer, contact one of our exclusive consultants for multiple property owners directly via WhatsApp (48) 9617-8500.
Can I publish vacation rental properties on Vive Floripa?Yes! On Vive Floripa you can publish properties for sale, annual lease and seasonal lease. Just register your property by filling out this form.
Doubts about posting a rental or sale ad in Vive FloripaAll publications on Vive Floripa are made by our team; don't worry about it. To register a property, you just need to fill out this form. How do I suspend or unpublish my ad? Very simple, just contact us through any of the contact channels.
What is "Exclusive" and how does it work at Vive Floripa?The "Exclusive" listing option is a way of advertising on Vive Floripa, in which the owner leaves his property advertised exclusively with us. The advantage of this is that "Exclusive" ads are relevant and stand out from other ads, generating more queries.
Should I charge a higher rent for being at Vive Floripa?The rental amount is always decided by the property owner. We give him complete freedom to set the value according to the market.
How can I make my property more visible?Yes! Vive Floripa's team specializes in digital traffic. We can put together a strategy for you, first we need to know your need. You can get in touch with our team through the contact channels.
Why can't I find my property advertised on Vive Floripa?From the moment you fill out the form to publish your property on our platform, We have up to 72 hours to analyze your property. After this step, we will contact you to confirm or not the publication of your property. Once we confirm the ad with you, it will be immediately available on the platform.
The person who booked will not proceed with the lease. What happens to my ad on Vive Floripa?There are two reasons why the person who made the reservation of your property cannot proceed with the lease, they are: voluntary withdrawal of the contract or non-approval in the credit analysis. In both cases, if the interested party's documentation is not approved in our credit analysis or the interested party who made the reservation withdraws from the rental process, we take every care to have your property republished as soon as possible. Don't worry, all people who have active visits or proposals on your property at the time of booking, can be notified that it is available again upon your request and you can resume negotiation.
Vive Floripa registration updateIt is extremely important to ensure that your registration data, such as email and phone number, are up to date so you receive updates and important information about your property and contract. Also, you need to keep your phone up to date at all times. To update registration data such as email and telephone, the request must be made through our team. These changes can be requested at any time during your rental.
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